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Ergebnissen der DNA-Tests



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DNA test to optimize your diet

Find out your mybody nutrition and metabolism types* with the DNA analysis so that you can adjust your diet individually. The personalized recommendations such as the need for vitamins and minerals, detoxification processes and the sleep cycle can help to strengthen your health in the long term.

  • Enjoy food without complaints
  • Increase body awareness and vitality
  • Improve health in the long term

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    The DNA analysis includes
    • DNA test kit for home (saliva sample)
    • Certified laboratory analysis of your sample
    • 54 analysis reports in 8 chapters (200 pages)
    • Recommendations for your diet and fitness
    • Tips to improve your quality of life
    • Evaluation of more than 1000 foods
    Learn more

    Our metabolism test helps you understand which diet is really good for your body in order to optimize your health and weight management. The analysis also gives you information about how your genetic metabolic functions are influenced. You also find out your individual needs for essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements in order to optimally supply your body.

    With our metabolic analysis, we examine more than 140 gene variations . We only analyze the most relevant SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms), which are hereditary DNA sections, to determine your individual metabolic type. We use a saliva sample as sample material for the analysis.

    mybody DNA Test zum Ernährung optimieren
    INFINITY DNA-Test - mybody®x

    Mögliche Anwendungsbereiche

    • Ernährungsumstellung

    • Stoffwechsel-Probleme

    • Abnehmen & Bewegung

    • Gesundheit & Immunsystem

    Discover your way to a feel-good body

    • Chrissi erklärt dir in 45 Sek. den INFINITY DNA-Test (Ernährung und Nährstoffe)

      Deine DNA bzw. Gene bestimmen die grundlegenden Bausteine deines Körpers, also wie er Kohlenhydrate, Proteine und Fette – auch „Makronährstoffe“ genannt – verstoffwechselt und in Form von Energie speichert. Darüber hinaus legen sie deinen individuellen Bedarf an Vitaminen und Mineralien fest, um ihn bestmöglich zu decken. Außerdem beeinflusst deine DNA, wie dein Körper auf bestimmte Nährstoffe und Lebensmittel reagiert und wie er sie optimal verwerten kann, was wiederum dazu führt, dass er entweder gestärkt oder geschwächt wird. Zum Beispiel könnten spezifische SNPs bestimmen, wie gut jemand Koffein abbaut, wie empfindlich man auf Salz reagiert oder wie effizient der Körper Vitamine wie B12 oder D absorbiert. Indem der DNA-Test ernährungsspezifische Abschnitte identifiziert, kann er Informationen darüber liefern, welche Essgewohnheiten für dich am besten geeignet sind.

    • Get to know yourself better

      Your DNA gives you a lot of information about how your body functions and what potential you have in everyday life.

      Therefore, personalized recommendations for action based on your genetic predisposition are crucial to achieving your physical goals sustainably.

      A DNA test provides answers to questions like: "What is a healthy lifestyle and diet specifically for me?"

      • Get personalized nutrition and lifestyle recommendations
      • Improve your vitamin and mineral balance
      • Understand your body functions and your physical potential to improve your quality of life in the long term
    • We recommend this DNA test...

      if you

      • Want to live a healthier and more individual life.
      • You want to design your own diet.
      • You want to stimulate your metabolism in the long term.
      • Want to increase your vitality in everyday life
      • You want to improve your health preventively.
      • Want to better understand your body functions.
    • This is what you get

      • Nutrition and Diet – Features (7 reports)
      • Vitamin and mineral requirements – characteristics (9 reports)
      • Metabolic function – characteristics (4 reports)
      • Sports and Fitness – Features (10 reports)
      • Body function – characteristics (5 reports)
      • Eating habits – characteristics (4 reports)
      • Detoxification processes – characteristics (4 reports)
      • Cardiovascular system – characteristics (9 reports)
      • Find out how your genes react to more than 1000 analyzed foods

      For further details see "Your personal evaluation"


    Your personal evaluation

    Simple, understandable, sustainable - recognize what is good for you.

    Your nutrition and diet characteristics:

    The path to your ideal weight including nutritional characteristics.

    Your vitamin and mineral requirements characteristics

    What daily vitamin and mineral requirements does your body have?

    Your metabolic function characteristics

    Regulate your metabolic functions and activate them sustainably

    Your sports and fitness characteristics

    Information about your sport and fitness type, as well as your optimal recovery after training.

    Your general body functions

    Genetic dependencies and lifestyles, such as your sleep cycle and your biological aging process.

    Food table

    From more than 1000 analyzed foods, you will find out which ones you react well or not so well to

    How it works

    Was Kunden an unseren Tests liebten und worin dieser Test helfen kann.

    Verständlichkeit und Umsetzbarkeit


    Einfluss auf meine Ernährung


    Einfluss auf mein Gewicht


    What our customers say about us

    4.77 von 5 basierend auf unseren Kundenbewertungen

    The precise recommendations for my diet and health have improved my quality of life.

    Nikki C.

    The DNA test was a game changer for me. Long-term fitness and health benefits through genetically based answers.

    Chris Redl

    Clear recommendation for anyone who wants to tailor their diet to their physical needs and intolerances.


    The personalized nutrition plans not only helped me lose weight but also activated my metabolism.

    Stephanie B.

    With the DNA test I was not only able to increase my fitness, but also optimize my regeneration. Top recommendation for every athlete!

    Pascal M.

    For me as a fitness lover it is ideal so that I can efficiently design my training and nutrition according to my wishes.


    Deine DNA hat einen starken Einfluss auf deine Nahrungsaufnahme

    Für uns ist die DNA-Analyse die Basis für jede mögliche Veränderung in deinem Leben. Mit mybody® hast du alles, was du brauchst, um deine Ziele zu erreichen:

    • Individuelle Ernährungs- und Lifestyle-Empfehlungen
    • Genetisch abgestimmte Handlungsempfehlungen
    • Personalisierte Diätpläne und Rezepte
    • Kostenfreie Live-Chat-Unterstützung

    Von einem dauerhaft gesunden Körper profitierst du in allen Lebensbereichen, ob im Alltag, im Beruf oder bei der Verwirklichung deiner sportlichen Ziele.

    Eine DNA-Analyse gibt Auskunft über den Einfluss deiner Gene auf deinen Stoffwechsel und dementsprechend auch darüber, wie du ihn am besten unterstützen kannst. Mit dem INFINITY DNA-Test für Ernährung und Gewichtsmanagement nimmst du ganz einfach zu Hause eine Probe und schickst sie an ein Labor. Als Ergebnis erhältst du einen umfassenden Bericht, der dir bei der Optimierung deiner Ernährung, deines Stoffwechsels und der Kontrolle deines Gewichts hilft. Dieses Wissen hilft dir, gesundheitlichen Risiken vorzubeugen und deine Vitalität zu steigern.

    Hast du weitere Ziele oder Wünsche? Dann hilft dir unser Produktfinder, den passenden Selbsttest für dich zu entdecken.

    Warum entscheiden sich so viele Menschen für mybody® DNA-Stoffwechselanalysen?

    Unsere DNA-Tests begeistern nicht nur Privatpersonen, sondern werden auch von zahlreichen Ernährungsberatern und Kliniken bei ihren Patienten eingesetzt.

    Questions? We have the answers!

    What is a home DNA test?

    The home DNA test is a test kit that we provide to you so that you can take your saliva sample from the comfort of your own home.

    After you have taken your sample, you send it back to our laboratory for analysis. Once your evaluation is complete, you will receive a comprehensive report in your self-created customer portal containing your personal lifestyle recommendations.

    How long does it take to evaluate my saliva sample?

    Once your saliva sample has been received by the laboratory, it usually takes about 10-20 working days until the complete evaluation (including analysis procedures and validation of results) is available as a PDF in your user account. If you have reordered your evaluation in the form of a booklet, printing and shipping will take an additional 2-3 weeks.

    How often should I do a DNA test?

    Since your genes remain unchanged from birth to the end of your life, there is no point in re-examining genes that have already been tested. Your predisposition to certain characteristics therefore remains the same throughout your life.

    What questions will the DNA test answer?

    • What type of nutritionist and dieter are you?
    • How prone are you to the yo-yo effect?
    • How does your body react to different fats?
    • How do you feel when hungry and full every day?
    • Which vitamins and minerals does your body really need?
    • How can you optimize your metabolic processes?
    • What is the distribution of macronutrients in your body?

    • What type of sport and fitness person are you?
    • How can you specifically build strength and develop more muscles?
    • What is your optimal and genetic sleep cycle?
    • How can you optimally detoxify and regenerate your body?
    • How can you naturally rejuvenate your biological age?
    • Which foods do you react positively or negatively to?
    • And much more!

    Why mybody?

    • Super easy & discreet to use

    • Personalized recommendations for action

    • Free live chat support

    • Certified analyses of your sample